Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Calzones: Italian Stockings

Calzone: Italian for trouser leg or stocking

Tonight I had my first try with calzones. It was a success, I would say. This entry is more of an idea than it is a recipe.

I started with the following ingredients:
Premade canned pizza dough (I used 2 rolls)
Low Fat Mozzarella cheese (one bag)
Plain Spaghetti sauce (about 3/4 of a jar)
Low Fat Pepperonis (one bag)

It was SO simple. All I did was mix the cheese, sauce and pepperonis. I rolled out the dough and cut each roll into halves. I then put the mixture onto half of each piece and folder the dough over. I pressed around the edges so that it was secure. I baked them on 400 for about 10 minutes or until the tops were browned.

**So- since this is just a rough idea, I also thought about the following stuffings: spinach, chicken and alfredo sauce or even a dessert styled one with apple or cherry pie stuffing or any other things you have in your fridge**

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